B2B Tech Marketing Resources

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Going Cookieless

The Whole World is Going Cookieless

The Whole World is Going Cookieless

Different LinkedIn Targeting Methods

Different LinkedIn Targeting Methods

Different LinkedIn Targeting Methods

Most common b2b ppc issue

What Is THE Most Common B2B Marketing PPC Issue?

What Is THE Most Common B2B Marketing PPC Issue?

Let's talk linkedin targeting

Let’s Talk LinkedIn Targeting

LinkedIn Targeting

Riskified Case Study

Marketing Envy Case Study: Riskified: Marketing Operations

See how Riskified utilized Marketing Envy's RevOps department to achieve B2B Marketing success.

The Role of a CMO

The Role of a CMO

When you think about the evolution of marketing operations, it's helpful to use the metaphor of ships.

3 agencies or 1

Why Use 3 B2B Marketing Agencies, When You Can Use 1?

Why use 3 different agencies, have to explain yourself 3 times, when you can use one agency who does it all

What is Lead Scoring

What is Lead Scoring?

How to Use Lead Scoring Effectively

Blend Case Study

Blend, A B2B Marketing Envy Case Study

How did Blend successfully skyrocket their B2B Marketing, transform their CRM with HubSpot and rebrand with oomph? Answer: Marketing Envy

Bringing SQL’s To Your Door!

We're committed to doing whatever it takes to bring SQLs to our clients!

Helping you find the exit?

B2B Marketing is challenging. We help you find your way to your exit. Spot our unicorn 😉

Why work at marketing envy

Why Work at Marketing Envy

From the leading tech clients to the company culture we cover it all.

Cyber Security Benchmarks Report

2021 Cyber Security Benchmarks Report

Cybersecurity SQLs from LinkedIn and Google for how much? All is revealed in the latest Cyber Security benchmarks report.

Automated Leads

Ever tried cleaning up you contact list manually. It's prone to mistakes, takes forever and is extremely tedious.

HubSpot Operations Hub

Best things about the HubSpot Ops hub

Why we love Hubspot's operations hub

Why HubSpot

Why HubSpot?

Why do we use HubSpot? HubSpot enables to execute and report from one place and marketing and sales are also able to align.

Marketing Envy Bloopers

Even at www.marketingenvy.com we make mistakes, but we keep on trying until we get it perfect 🙂

Q4 is Upon Us – Where are your marketing leads?

At Marketing Envy we're here to help. Get in touch and don't panic.